Dear Sneeboer fans, This weekend we celebrated the Sneeboer 110 year anniversary with our employees and their partners. First we went karting in groups of 10 which was followed with a dinner…

Vandaag viert Sneeboer zijn 110e verjaardag! Zou Arie in 1913 ooit gedacht hebben dat zijn lokale smederij zou uitgroeien tot de producent van ‘s werelds allerbeste gereedschap? Dat er volgens zijn visie…

Now that most of the formalities have been completed, we would like to announce that Jaap Sneeboer and Wilma Peelen have resigned from their positions after more than 35 years as directors…

Dear Sneeboer fans, At the end of June 2020, we let you know that we were working on a fantastic project with the goal of being able to produce in a more…