Royal Dutch Hoe 12,5 cm


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The Royal Dutch hoe is perfectly suited to combat weeds in the garden while you stand up straight, making it a very ergonomic tool. This innovative hoe has been designed in collaboration with the famous rose breeder John Scarman from the UK and distinguishes itself in form and function from the regular push hoe. The Royal Dutch hoe was developed in 2013, the year of our centenary, and it was immediately shortlisted for the garden product of year of the 2013 RHS Chelsea Flower Show!

There are three individual innovative features that truly sets the Royal Dutch hoe apart from the regular push hoe; the five sharp teeth on the front of the blade, the two sharp cutting edges on the back of the blade with a spike in the middle and the luxuriously shaped handle.

With the Royal Dutch hoe, you can truly feel like the King/Queen of your garden!

  1. The five teeth on the front of the blade facilitate easier weed removal, even in the thickest soils. These teeth also allow for more precise weed removal between plants compared to a regular push hoe.
  2. The backside of the blade is sharpened and meets in the middle with a spike which allows for weed removal during the backward pull motion. With this function, you can remove weeds while walking backwards through the soil therefore leaving no footprints. This also negates the issue of replanting weeds which can get stuck to your shoes/boots.
  3. The ash wood handle is of a distinctive design with a specific top grip which prevents blisters and is shaped in the middle to make it more comfortable to work with. Not only does the Royal Dutch Hoe have all these innovative features, but it is also lighter than the standard push hoe making it easier to use and maneuver between plants and vegetables.

With the Royal Dutch hoe, you can truly feel like the King/Queen of your garden!

Total length

165 cm

Length of the handle

145 cm

Width of the blade

12,50 cm

Net weight

0,95 kg

Material of handle

Ash wood

Length of the blade
SKU: 2252-112252 Categories: , Tag:
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